By Anonymous - 10/12/2013 17:26 - United States - Springfield

Today, marks my third day of school being closed due to snow. One, and only one, of the teachers has decided that we have to do work online in the meantime. I just so happen to be in three of his classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 541
You deserved it 4 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ashalayx 13

just pretend your power went out?

Damn that's just horrible luck. Good luck with your assignments though.


Yeah, **** teachers for trying to make students learn. They're the worst. Total douches.

Why? People need to understand that making your students study at home is not a bad thing. You either work now and have a good job afterwards or you don't do anything now and spend the rest of your life doing a boring low class job. Is studying really that bad? You learn things about the world, your history, the universe. How can someone don't like that? You must ask yourself who do yo uwant to be when you grow up: and educated successful man with powerful friends(doctors, politicians etc) or a sterotypical american that hates everything and is afraid of zombies, "nucular" energy and can't even calculate the famous 2+2*2

#31: You sound like you need to continue your education, yourself. If you are willing to class the "stereotypical American" as a bumbling idiot, then you are no better than they. I'll ignore your poorly constructed sentences and misspellings. Oh, and it's 6.

Do you speak any foreign language better than I speak english?

cryssycakesx3 22

your teacher is making you do work? what a bastard! your internet works properly? I think that's a wonderful idea. less work to make up later. if you're not, you'll appreciate it when you're a senior and you don't want to make up those snow days at the end of the year when you want to graduate.

bobo_the_bear 5

Enjoy snow days while you can. Most adults don't get snow days. A bad weather day just means a longer, more dangerous drive into work.

hunts19ketchup 23

What in the FML makes it seem like the OP goes to a small school?

After the FML about a teacher allowing fan fiction to be used for a grade this restores a small portion of my faith in the educational system.

And if it were a creative writing class, you'd be an idiot...

I'll go under the assumption you're calling me an idiot. Using fanfic in a creative writing class for a grade is lazy and wasn't allowed when I took a creative course in college. Here are some simple reasons why fanfic is IMO the lowest form of creative writing. The characters are already set and have their own personalities, the world is already created, the only creative thing you do is putting said elements into new situations. A creative writing course should force you to actually be creative. I understand fanfic is a form of self expression and that's great and all but it still shouldn't be used for a grade. Especially in a creative writing class where the point is to create ideas not copy them.

SuperMew 22

Fanfiction allows younger people to get into writing. Many people starting out are very shy about their writing, they don't just create their own deep characters straight off. They read, they mimic, they add new elements, and they have fun. It makes writing something fun, instead of something to freak out about if you don't know how to properly create just yet. On top of that, when you get really into fanfiction, many people actually add new elements to the characters, they explore the universe and create new elements to it. Cross overs allow for characters from different genres to be expanded. AU (alternative universes) take on whole new challenges for the characters. And many characters start resembling new ones totally when people start getting used to writing as a whole. When someone is writing fanfiction, they are expanding their minds, they are reading other stories, creating new plot ideas, talking to others in the fandom, and learning to enjoy literature. It means they read more, it means they think more. I see nothing wrong with that.

Ok you're taking your own personal love for fanfic and projecting it into this. Like I said its great for self expression and all that and I don't think all fanfic is bad or stupid. However, as a teacher you are supposed to force a student to move out of their comfort zone and expand their abilities. The characters don't have to be perfect or extremely deep but they should be original. The entire point of a creative writing class is to teach you how to develop the skills needed for making these characters deep and nuanced. A fanfic paper in a creative writing class is maybe, emphasize maybe, acceptable as a first paper of the semester. We're near the end of the semester, there is no excuse for people being unable to make original characters, other than laziness, both by the teacher and the student.

hunts19ketchup 23

In all of the creative writing classes I have taken, one of the main objectives of the course was to learn to develop your own characters from scratch. Fanfic assignments would completely defeat that...

#60 Your the reason people don't like creative writing classes. Students shouldn't be forced into something they're not familiar with. I agree that solely doing fanfiction in a creative writing class is bad. But easing students into it by starting with fanfiction is a near-perfect introduction. Instead of being all high and mighty, why don't you step off the horse and take a look at things from the students perspective?

hunts19ketchup 23

#73, it honestly depends on what level the class is. Theres a big difference between a high school class and a university class. I can assure you, at a university the professors couldn't care less about giving you an assignment that goes outside of your comfort zone. At a university, professors are trying to prepare you for your career, not hold your hand and make sure you feel comfortable.

#73 Creative writing is an elective, if you can't handle learning a new set of skill don't take the course. Also it isn't being on a high horse. To improve as a person and gain new skills in any area of your life you have to be forced out of your comfort zone. If you never have to leave that comfort zone you never grow as a person. We call that being spoiled out here in the real world. I'm going to show you how whiny you sound by editing your words to apply to a sport. "You're the reason no one likes football, you make them learn new plays and push their bodies to their physical limits."

Ummm yeah I go to school at Montana State and school is never closed due to snow. That's silly talk.

olpally 32

Thats one of those jackass teachers that loves giving out homework, what a dick move.