By Anonymous - 16/05/2015 00:50 - United States

Today, my 14-year-old daughter told me she's pregnant and plans on dropping out of school to live a life on the road with her boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 238
You deserved it 7 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some strict parenting! This is your chance to set her on the right path, to define the rest of her life :)

At least there's a spot for her on MTV.


What are the laws where you live? The country where I live forces kids to attend till year 12 or find suitable education. Must be something you can do

time for multiple ass whoopings for both of them

soulcrusher11 16

ur the one who didn't stop her from *******

Can't believe how many people have said it wasn't even partially the parent's fault. If children are that far off the deep end at the age of 14 I would attribute it at least 90 percent failed parenting. Just sayin'

I hope you put a stop to moving out idea .

I'm sorry. I hate the fact that kids think it's ok to have sex that young these days and end up pregnant because it's gonna be hard and she's gonna have to grow up a hell of faster than she'd have to

Your 14 year old clearly has a warped perception on love and life.Yes,it's possible to "love" someone at that age,but does she know what "love" is? Love isn't physical and just because he called her pretty and said:"we can live together on the road!";doesn't mean their future is set. BOTH of them need a trip to a doctor.A professional needs to explain the pros and cons of having a child.Then, as hard as it might be,support and push her in the right direction,but remain firm. This means,instilling more knowledge into her AND her current bf so they're smarter and can go into life passing on that knowledge to their child. I'm sorry OP but your child doesn't sound as if she's told how life works.What's her bf gonna do for money?How are the gonna pay for the medical bills?What about their child's daily expenses? Shit,what about their needs? She needs to sit down with you AND her baby's father to figure out a plan,not run away because it's a "good idea". And dropping out of school so she can go on the road is bullshit.Tell her to sit her ass down,and let them both know that that plan is temporary,and her focus should be school and her child's health.His focus should be work and school (and the only reason "the man" should be working is because he sounds older and doesn't have a growing child in him,but hell she can work alittle if necessary)and figuring how they'll make it through the years.She's not showing yet i assume and it's May,so school ends in june.Thus,she can focus on school this year.Maybe later on it'll get tough, but whether its homeschooling or public , she can set her mind to it.

I am now afraid for my generation...

Right now I'm wondering if a little thing called statutory rape might be involved here, if her 'boyfriend' can drive and she's 14 it's going to be close at least

Can there be a possibility that she might not be pregnant at all? Not to get your hopes up or anything but after all she is just 14. How much is she going to know about her productive cycle? Waiting for a follow up! :)