By younggrammy - 20/08/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my 14 year old daughter told me she's pregnant. I work as a public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 232
You deserved it 45 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im guessing your daughter never came to one of these speakings right?

dspadres 0

I didn't know Sarah Palin visited FML! Awesome.

Comments Nothing more need be said

triplethreat13 0

there's no such thing as safe sex. a couple can use condoms, diaphragms, the pill, etc but truly safe sex does not exist. she was probably rebelling against you and your unwise teachings, to prove that you were wrong.

anyone who has sex before marriage should be killed. I hate teenagers who drink or have sex.

That is extremely naive of you. Having sex before marriage is not necessarily a wise decision. However, some people (myself included) do not want to get married; does that mean we can't have sex? Although sex is never 100% safe, nothing is, and if you're careful, it's no so risky. As Dr. Brennan (from the show Bones) would say, "marriage is an antiquated ritual" and it is unrealistic to be happy in a relationship for your entire life. There's a reason people are getting divorced more frequently; society places a higher value on "true love" than it used to. The daughter shouldn't be having sex at the age of fourteen, but a fully grown adult should not be killed for having sex and not being married. Also, abstinence until marriage doesn't mean that getting pregnant after marriage is a good idea. A huge percentage of American marriages end in divorce, often after the parents have children. People should learn to wait a few years before they have kids (my parents waited 9 years, and they're still happily married). Often times, the divorce is as bad as teenage pregnancy, because the teen is more likely to realize that they can't handle the child and will consider other options. The young wife, on the other hand, will probably think it's great, and then get divorced two years later, and leave her child without a father, or means to support it. Also, there is no mention of drinking in this post. This page isn't a place for people to post irrelevant comments. I agree that teenage drinking, and drinking in general, is not good, but find a better place to talk about it.

Hi Sarah, I knew you Palin's could not stay out of the news for long... ...yeah.... way to many kids gettin' knocked up these days.... Anyway, to the OP, I'm sorry, that's terrible! Maybe it'll be a miscarriage.... I heard somewhere that about half of first pregnancies end is miscarriage? But I'm not sure, don't quote me. Anyway, just talk her through it. You're lucky she told you before something really bad happened.... My Aunt lost her virginity at 14, and is now happily married to the guy that stole her v-card ;) anyway, good luck!


I honestly can't believe you are practically rooting for a miscarriage... WTH is wrong with you? I'm no religious fanatic, I'm pro-choice, but honestly, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Choosing to get an abortion is one thing, but deciding to go through with it and hoping for a miscarriage... Jeez I hope you never reproduce.

If she doesn't want an abortion a miscarriage is the only chance she has at life, I don't think it's that ****** up.

Don't worry, OP. This just gives you more material in your speech.

If safe sex is taught more than or as much as celibacy then your life sucks. If your only stance for her was to wait until marriage YDI. Teach your children how to keep themselves healthy and safe FIRST.