By younggrammy - 20/08/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my 14 year old daughter told me she's pregnant. I work as a public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 232
You deserved it 45 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im guessing your daughter never came to one of these speakings right?

dspadres 0

I didn't know Sarah Palin visited FML! Awesome.


Umm there is a reason we have abortions....

how do we even know the sex was willing on the daughter's part? just because it was never brought up doesn't mean the daughter wanted it. she COULD have been raped and is keeping that part quiet for some reason that comes from being a 14 year old girl

yummehMOO 0

they never mentioned anything about willing sex or rape... they said that the daughter can just get an abortion as a more mature and logical choice for the baby know what you're talking about before bitching to a person

dragonkiller101 0

#98 you are an idiot... do you think a CLASSY and DOWN TO EARTH girl will get pregnant at 14?????? NO!!!!!!!!! slutty girls usually dress like *****, so they can get some ATTENTION, and in the end, those ***** will get pregnant. You wouldn't know this because you are still young, naive, and stupid. I am MUCH older than you and have more knowledge in this type of thing... so dont ******* lecture me idiot.

boatkicker 4

Slutty girls get pregnant, but so do girls who don't dress slutty. You therefor can't assume that just because OP's daughter got pregnant she dresses slutty. However, OP's daughter is foolish, to say the least. I will also agree with not classy, and not down to earth.

bexox 0

As per your post in #89 - No. No, the U.S. does not have the highest STD rate in the world. Here are some stats to back me up. Also, assuming the girl "dresses like a ****" is assuming too much. All types of people have sex and get into relationships. We don't know if the father of her child is a boyfirend or a random guy. Also, just because someone dresses in revealing clothing, that doesn't ensure that they will get pregnant.

Ligerie 0

#115 You Found Africa! And Asia! And eastern Europe!...and all before the U.S.

bexox 0

Yep, Ligerie, funny how that works, huh? The countries with less resources and access to education have more STDs!

FaithX 0 high school, I recall the girls who dressed a little a slutty and were often labeled ***** as a result being the ones who WEREN'T sleeping around, as opposed to the "good girl" set, the ones who labeled the others as ***** to take attention off themselves I guess...Social misconceptions and all that... Oh, and BTW, dragonkiller, you're a goddamned idiot.

I would be so ashamed and disappointed. How horrible.

dragonkiller101 0

because she is a **** my good friend. American parents these days have no control of their kids. and they let them do whatever they want. ive seen 12 year old girls dressing like ***** in the mall (in california). just imagine how bad the world will be in ten years.... parents just dont care anymore.....

YDI for being Sarah Palin you stupid bitch.

You obviously did a pretty bad work. You should feel bad and cry.


=/ A lot of people with topics like this one always say it's the parents fault for not 'watching' their kid. But did you forget about when you were a teenager? Plus things are worse now then how they used to be. I'm sure she talked to her daughter about it and such, and maybe she 'assumed' that her daughter was too young to want to have sex. And how do we know if the daughter didn't have safe sex? For all we know she was probably on both the pill and using a condom. Sucks that it happened, yeah. But parents now a days can either lock their child up in their room until they turn 18 or they can teach what they need to know, try to help them in some choices and hopefully their kid will do the right thing. At fourteen, I'm sure her daughter knows rights and wrongs. Honestly, she's not THAT young. But then again for all I know the mother could just neglect her kid and her kid could be the lil ***** of the school. I'm really wishing that isn't true and that this accident is from bc failing. Weeee(: