By Facepalmum - 10/01/2013 06:28 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my 14-year-old son showed me a "bird's egg" he was looking after in his room. It was a dried up dog turd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 591
You deserved it 7 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

How do you even get the two confused?

Werken247 14

Were you and your husband related before you got married? C'mon now tell the truth.


Thpwns 5

Did you have the heart to tell him or did you give it back to him

Sorry that your son isn't the brightest crayon in the box. You need to set him straight.

Seems like a Darwin Award just waiting to crack open.

jennuhm 4

YDI for not maintaining a clean house and for not teaching your kid the difference between a birds egg and dried up shit

The kid's 14 years old, she shouldn't need to clean his room for him.

You've spawned one dumb ************.

At least he didn't try to make scrambled eggs--you would have to get rid of your kitchen.

Just his clever way of saying your a shitty patent