By Anonymous - 17/05/2014 19:33 - United States - Fresno

Today, my 15-year-old son told me that he and his new girlfriend are deeply in love and are meant for each other. The "girlfriend" in question? My fiancé's 12-year old daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 587
You deserved it 5 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's one way of keeping it in the family


At least they aren't technically related by blood.

He's inlove with his future sister aye. That's not gonna work out

Sounds like Boone and Shannon from Lost!

m1k3_b0rr311 15

Its still weird as at that age, if it was 18 and 21 it would be fine but they are at very different stages of development at 12 and 15 :) and not gonna lie that 15 year old is a dirty ****

nuthin wrong with that only 3 years apart

Yoloz 0

The girl is very young and probably does not know better. However, i think 15, depending on maturity, is old enough to understand love. When two people spend as much time together and I imaine they are, what do you expect to happen? A 3 year age difference isn't even bad. For a 12yr old, yes. 15, no

Yoloz 0

I take back what I said, I think no one is ever too young to feel/understand love. If you had a newborn baby, would you be okay with saying that it doesn't love you? I seriously doubt it. On the other hand, look at people who were in foster care and at 24 they've still never felt the love of someone

Yes, it is a little wierd, but technically they are not related. Id say go ahead.

Unlucky1232 20

well there not blood so technically its legal. seriously though 12 and 15? so by the time he's 18 she'll be 15. thats just... no just no. also goodluck explaining this to you fiance