By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 23:20 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my 16-year-old daughter burned all her baby photos because they were unflattering and made her "look fat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 454
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible! I hope you have some of them digitally backed up because in the future there won't be a lot of childhood photos she can look upon!


frizz101 22

OP I hope you have a way to get those baby photos back. But your child needs to be disciplined and possible checked for an eating or body image issues. You need to sit down and talk with your daughter, when you cool down a bit.

ariellove1992 8

Hope you don't want grandkids

#60.. Do you have kids? I do and I look at all of their pictures on a daily basis when I'm working. If I lost all of them due to some fit about how they looked when they wern't even a year old... This girl didn't realize that those photos were not for her or her vanity, selfish brat.

Do people not know what devil's advocate is? Sigh. I don't agree with burning the pictures. I do think, since the pictures were of her, then she has some right to decide what happens to them. She hurt her mother, which was wrong and she should not have burned them for such a stupid reason. However, she is 16 and they do tend to be overemotional at times. The issue is more than just burning the pictures, it is that the daughter seems to have deeper issues. People don't burn things normally, unless there is some underlying issue. When I had my heart broken I burned all the pictures of my ex and i together, and regretted it a few years later because we became friends again and I regretted losing fond memories of my teen years. I however thought I had the right to do it, and because I was so hurt and upset at the time, it all made sense. Taking the college fund to spite the daughter without figuring out the deeper issues is not responsible parenting. The mother is within her right to do that, but in a few years the daughter will likely mature and realize what a stupid thing she did.

Thank jeebus that all the pictures I've taken of my daughter are on my computer.. I'd be so upset if she burned them. I'm sorry OP :( smack the shit out of her, IMO.

ohheykiwi 2

"Eating disorder" was the first thing that popped into my head. Get her to a doctor.

Wow I bet your so upset about this I couldn't imagine how mad I would be.

Oh my god that's horrible. I would die if all of my baby pictures were gone. Time to ground her until she gets over her issues. Doesn't she know that all babies are fat...or are supposed to be? Sounds like she needs a reeducation. Maybe on everything.

well she's clearly insecure, and it's probably a lot deeper than what you think, talk to her, help her

no offense, but kids acting out usually only have their parents to thank