By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 23:20 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my 16-year-old daughter burned all her baby photos because they were unflattering and made her "look fat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 454
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible! I hope you have some of them digitally backed up because in the future there won't be a lot of childhood photos she can look upon!


Your daughter is an idiot. It's time for a talk. Or a smack on the ass. Always cured stupid when I was younger.

doondagr8_1 9

She's going to regret that later in life

That sounds like what I would do except not only my baby photos but every photo.

That's disappointing. I'm pretty sure if she saw mine she'd instantly feel better. That sucks that she'd burn photos like that because of how she looked... Like others have said, I hope you have some backed up, and keep them away from her. I hate to see memories being burned up.

IF she saw my baby photos, she would feel beautiful! I had insane amounts of hair

Pinup_doll94 4

I've officially lost all hope for this generation. Again.

I'm sympathetic to the OP's daughter, though I agree that she shouldn't have just burned them without talking with her parents. I *HATE* getting my picture taken and would gladly burn every last one given the opportunity. I've worked out an agreement with my mom (who has all the pictures) to take back pictures that I truly hate to burn, while learning to live with the rest of them.

That only reflects on what a horrible job you've done raising her. She can't help that she's a shallow idiot.