By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 23:20 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my 16-year-old daughter burned all her baby photos because they were unflattering and made her "look fat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 454
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible! I hope you have some of them digitally backed up because in the future there won't be a lot of childhood photos she can look upon!


RedPillSucks 31

@queerdragon, Just to play devils advocate, the college fund is the parents property, just as you thought the girl had a right to any pictures of her. In that case, OP wouldn't be "wasting" anything but his/her own money. Quite frankly, cruises are usually great fun, so I don't think it would be a waste at all.

I don't have but a few baby pictures because of a devastating house fire when I was young and I find it so appalling that people take things like that for granted.

I literally facepalmed when I read this. Very idiotic move. She is gonna regret this for a very long time.

skyeyez9 24

She will regret it years down the road when she has no baby and childhood pictures. I wish my parents took more pictures when my brother and I were little. They were always working so when they came home, were tired and the last thing on their mind was snapping pictures.

I'm in the potential eating disorder camp. Please seek help for your daughter! And I'm so sorry for the loss of those photos :( I lost just a few months worth of my daughter's pictures when my phone crashed a few months ago and I was devastated. I can imagine how I'd feel if I lost most of her baby-hood.

Sorry OP but your daughter is a stupid girl, my sister (who is older than me) was a huge baby, when she grew up she turned into 6ft1 sized 8 model (US size 6) so her theory about her baby pictures making her look fat, make her sound retarded. On another note I babysat a kid, who was a tiny baby and she grew into a huge teenager. OP your daughter deserves a slap on the side of the head.

71- That comment was awesome and deserved a comment in recognition of its awesomeness. so here you are.

Epikouros 31

If she's really fat, she should burn her pizza and chocolate instead.