By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 23:20 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my 16-year-old daughter burned all her baby photos because they were unflattering and made her "look fat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 454
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible! I hope you have some of them digitally backed up because in the future there won't be a lot of childhood photos she can look upon!


I'm sorry but your daughter is an idiot. Does she not know of the term "baby fat"

If she did that out of the blue, your daughter is a turd. If she did it because she didn't want you to show them to random people and you still did, YDI.

Wow I would ground the hell our of her and have a serious discussion on how she perceives herself. Because if she considers her baby self fat, either she is shallow as **** or she is heading to some serious eating disorder. Either way way, there is some talk to be done.

There is something seriously psychological going on there......

Sounds like she has done serious self esteem and image issues. Might be something you need to talk to her about. Sorry to hear about the loss of those photos. Hopefully you either have backups if they're digital, or the negatives if they're not.

OMG! That is nothing! My father took movies of me and my sister taking a bath together when we were very young and showed them to their friends to have a good laugh.

Haha, I doubt there's a college fund for a kid that dumb

"I want my baby back; baby back; baby back; photooos!"

If she's acting out that way over her baby photos, I can only imagine how she's going to react when she becomes of legal drinking age & her friends take photos of her after months of drinking.