By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 23:20 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my 16-year-old daughter burned all her baby photos because they were unflattering and made her "look fat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 454
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's terrible! I hope you have some of them digitally backed up because in the future there won't be a lot of childhood photos she can look upon!


aliciaanomalyyxo 12

Sounds like you should be concerned,keep and eye out for warning signs of an eating disorder or something if she is that worried about fat, more of a cry for help than her just being a bitch to you ..

This sounds like something I would have done at the height of my eating disorder. Ever think the girl isn't shallow, stupid or defective and is just sick? If that's a possibility OP, the sooner you start treating it, the better the outcome.

Apparently no one has told her all babies are chubby. But as one grows older one loses that chub if one takes care of ones self. But there is something a little more psychological going on, she's had to have had these issues for awhile. You don't just wake up one day and decide to burn your baby pictures.

I think I understand where she's coming from because I have esteem issues too and hate pictures of me (and I think I was an ugly baby) but I would NEVER burn the pictures... I still enjoy looking at them and seeing me and my siblings together as children (and my parents funky old hairdos)!!

martin8337 35

Maybe she was just big boned.

Don't you just love hormones raging in teenage girls? (Insert sarcasm and a a$$ whooping)

Potentially destroy their future, or at least put it on hold, because of some baby pictures? I think not. Everyone makes mistakes. They were pictures of her and she should have a right to decide what is done with her image. I am not saying she is right, because she obviously hurt her mother. But in the end, baby pictures are nice but don't really effect people day to day. Wasting her college fund in a fit of passion, on something as pointless as a cruise, goes far beyond stupid and mean. Taking away her phone, grounding her, and getting some therapy to deal with the "fat" issue might be a better use of resources.

Baby photos are usually chubby...did she just not know that?

babies are chubby. photos are not. just to clarify.

TheDrifter 23

She has a right to destroy her mother's property, because it contains her image? You sound just as shallow and neurotic as op's daughter. Of course, by the same logic, her mother has the right to spend that college money at any time, after all it's her money, so why should OP get mad about it?