By Squashed - 15/08/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, my 250 pound boyfriend was on top of me while we were making out. I actually passed out in the middle of it from not being able to breathe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 122
You deserved it 22 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

I wonder how long it took him to find out that you had passed out o_O

why didn't you tell him you couldn't breath? it takes some time before passing out so how long where you choking without letting him know? YDI.


Twin beds, smaller boyfriend, or never allow his lard ass on top of you. You're not so desperate for a guy that you have to be suffocated, are you?

Moms_Bestfriend 0

how do you people know hes fat she didnt say he was fat he couldve been tall or something and whats wrong with a fat guy anyways you shallow people never give those type of people a chance and that wasnt the point of this fml she was talking about how she passed out while kissing her bf

sublime93 0

"morbidly obese" I'm reminded of that episode in Family Guy.

FHL for being a fatass. you're probably not much of a looker yourself.

The man isn't supposed to be on top of the girl at this generation. It's supposed to be the other way around no matter the weigh of the boy and the girl.

Is he very muscullar or are you dating a fattie??

HAH! Nice one, fool. Don't just lay there and let him squish you; do something about it! Well, I guess you don't need to now. Hopefully he won't be so afraid of killing you that he will never play "cuddle-monster" with you.

You shouldn't let him be on top. And whoa I moderated this one, that's cool.

alice_xoxo 0

LOL my boyfriend is 250 pounds too ! he squishes me too >:(