By njh - 27/03/2015 13:29 - Ireland

Today, my 3-year-old son said to me, "Fuck a duck, Daddy." I have no idea where he heard this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 340
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was a kid I said **** and duck all the time cause they rhymed and I thought I invented a new word.But maybe your son just likes to curse like a sailor!


Wow, that's very bad. Uhmm... I normally would know what to do but I don't know about this one man..

easy, smack the kid and tell them no

Apparently I used to say, **** ****, **** a duck when I was little. It's probably just because it rhymes and it's fun to curse when you're little. Actually it's still fun to curse.

iSnipeFatPeople 18

Yeah in about 6th grade everyone knew the animal rhymes and sex synonyms.

nityasomaiya 46

Uhh, 32, the kid's 3 Thats when cursing becomes an issue

iSnipeFatPeople 18

There is a song, to the tune of Row Row Your Boat, which goes "**** **** **** a duck, screw a kangaroo, doggy-style a crocodile. Do the whole damn zoo." Perhaps someone he knows has sung that song to him.

iSnipeFatPeople 18

Where I grew up it went, "****, ****, **** a duck, screw a kangaroo, fingerbang orangutan, you can do it too."

Also grew up with a similar rhyme. Same first two lines, different last two as well. xD "**** **** **** a duck, screw a kangaroo, 69 a porcupine, that's all we like to do." What the heck was wrong with us. I think I was eight at the time. XD

That whole thing was so funny, my sister sent me the song and I just about lost it.

They added a bunch of versus in one long song , so you are all rght :3 and funny

That is exactly where I got that from lol^

Maybe he meant, "Suck a ****?" ... In which case, Donnie Darko.

"**** a duck" "...**** a duck?" "go **** a duck. **** all teh ducks, **** 10 ducks I dont give a ****" -Arby n' the Chief