By Michael - 04/01/2010 08:50 - Australia

Today, my 4 year old daughter was ripping out photos of the family photo book, I asked her why she was doing it she answered, "I saw mummy doing it to another book." The only other family photo book was the day we got married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 097
You deserved it 2 922

Same thing different taste

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kozmikstarz 0

Maybe she was doing it to a magazine...who knows what a FOUR year old was actually seeing.

Did she ever say family photo book? Maybe she saw your wife ripping pages out of a regular book and decided to try it with a photo book, tard.


Talk about jumping to conclusions. Your daughter is 4 years old. She didn't specify that her mother was tearing photos out of a photo book. For all we know, she could have been tearing articles/coupons/recipes out of a magazine or a different book. I think you're a bit paranoid.

how do you know that it was this wedding album that your little girl was ripping up? in reality, your wife could have been ripping up anything and your daughter could have just chosen this album to rip up as she's only 4 years old.

And let's trust the four year old's judgment toward what book it was.. Because, I'm sure that, at the age of 4, the kid couldn't just say "hey, mommy is ripping pages out of a book I will too!" I'm sure it was more like "Hey, mommy is ripping the pages from a Family Photo Album, allow me to find another to rip the pages out of!" Jackass..

for people who dont live in britian what he means is that her mommy is ripping up the other photo book

That doesn't necessarily mean that the other book was another photo book. It could've been a magazine and her mom was ripping out the pages that she wanted to keep

doglover100 28

Another photo book could be a magazine.