By lebowski - 28/11/2010 01:57 - United States

Today, my 5 year old brother wanted to look through my phone. I know he can't read so I gave it to him. He was, however, able to get at my "private" photo album. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 788
You deserved it 41 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bamagrl410 31

YDI for having that type of album on your phone for people to get hold of.

why do people *insist* on taking naked photos of themselves?


ew.. been there.. told my friend their poses are off and they should set a password :P YDI.

poor little brother I hope he didn't get too damaged..then again put those pictures in a different folder ...

wackywillie54 0

5 year nod who can't read?! I was reading Harry potter when I was 5!!

if your phone is bluetooth enabled, then others might have your special photo albums too!

umm u no itss a thing caledd "locking ur foto album." unless ur fone dnt have tht, thenn nvm [:

I just had an extremely hard time reading your comment. Oh wait, maybe it's because you're too much of a dumb ass to use proper grammar. Seriously? It doesn't take that much more effort to type correctly. It'll save a lot more time trying to read. You're and idiot. I agree; ***** you.

fss 0

you need to password protect your albums. there's a free iPhone app called ephotochest that does that

joa76 3

Which won't do the OP any good if they don't have an iPhone, now will it?