By Xandriajoy10 - 04/01/2016 05:21 - Australia

Today, my 5 year-old informed me she likes her "other mummy" more and wants to live with her instead. I need to have a long conversation with my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 392
You deserved it 1 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe it's her imaginary "Mom". hopefully. if not, damn

Take it easy maybe its just his other wife . JK


OP, here's hoping that she has just built a fantasy about a TV family

Actually, you should consider the fact that maybe one of her friends' mothers allows your daughter to call her "mom". That's a lot more likely than your husband introducing your daughter to his mistress behind your back, don't you think?

Please follow up OP, so many questions! I hope everything worked out

CliffyB03 28

And he said he was single.. Single my ass! Not only was he married-oh no. He had 6 wives.

jnugzzz 6

One of those Mormons, ya know?

CliffyB03 28

So that night when he came home from work. I fixed him his drink as usual.

I'm 'enery the 8th I am. 'Enery the 8th I am I am...

ArmchairAnalyst 9

Or you could just step it up and be the better "mommy".

Zilten 10

Have you ever watched Coraline?

scrollingthru 10

Yeah I am gonna agree with most posts here and suggest that your kid is associating someone else's image with being a mommy because they are close to them. (nanny, aunt, grandparent, teacher, child care provider, etc.)