By shoelace18 - 06/09/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, my 5 year old swallowed her loose tooth, which she was going put under her pillow for the toothfairy. My wife then told her 'what goes in must come out'. And now everytime she does number 2, she makes me dig for her lost tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 885
You deserved it 5 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's 5 and your how old? how can she make you do anything? get a grip.

I don't know what to think, here. Either that's love, or that's just demeaning. This could be the first time she learns about loss, if you stop right now.


sick sick sick .. reason # 111 why I don't want kids

normandin131 0
Poonheart 0

YDI for being a **** with a poop fetish

how can a 5 year old MAKE you do that. pansy

letitbe56 0

There are some things that you not only CAN, but SHOULD say no to.

I should stop reading FMLs at breakfast... (see booger finger story)... Beurkkk.

That's love for you. I think it's very valient of you. BUT The same thing happened to me when I was little. My parents told me that "the tooth fairy knew when you lose a tooth and all you need to do is write a letter to her explaining what happened." Part of being a parent is being creative.

Why didn't you just tell her to like sleep with a pillow over her stomach? It's the same basic principle.

Kids have active imaginations. I can see that ending badly - with the child having nightmares of the tooth fairy cutting her stomach open. Good idea though.

Damn your stupid. Give her 10 dollars ans take her to buy a toy and she will forget. I cnat belive you have a tooth fairy that will even take a tooth that was covered in shit. You and your tooth fairy are DUMB!