By shoelace18 - 06/09/2009 04:19 - Canada

Today, my 5 year old swallowed her loose tooth, which she was going put under her pillow for the toothfairy. My wife then told her 'what goes in must come out'. And now everytime she does number 2, she makes me dig for her lost tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 885
You deserved it 5 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she's 5 and your how old? how can she make you do anything? get a grip.

I don't know what to think, here. Either that's love, or that's just demeaning. This could be the first time she learns about loss, if you stop right now.


HAHA this made me laugh also... ur kid has a cool father =D

Amysbodybetrayal 0

Hahaa, being a parent is fun, no? I swallowed a tooth once, but my parents never told me that it would come out the other parents. :P I think they just made me right a note to the tooth fairy asking if I could still have my money, and that I'm sorry I lost the tooth. xD I only got a quarter anyways, so my parents didn't really care.

Amysbodybetrayal 0

Oops, I said "right" instead of "write."

AnthonyxD_fml 0

Just go to a dentist and get a baby tooth or something and fake it.

Glam_fml 0

Ahj, the joys of having chldren. 

baumunk 0

Uh, this is when you tell her "No" and explain germs. Unless you can talk your wife into sucking on your fingers.

I once got 50 dollars from the tooth fairy. OH MAN I LOVE THE TOOTH FAIRY!! for the OP just say No I am not gonna dig in your poo anymore. Ur the father, and u r allowed to say that.