By Stumble - 17/01/2010 04:43 - United States

Today, my 6-year-old cousin came to my door, demanding canned food. I asked him what for, and he said, "Dad said I needed them for a school project." I said all right, and he started raiding my pantry. I was left with only green beans. He stole all my Spaghetti O's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 342
You deserved it 27 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummmm... what? You're surprised because a six year old took Spaghetti-O's and left the green beans? Really?

technically he didn't steal anything since you said it was alright.


That wasn't stealing. U said "all right"!

Gee, what's so bad in your kid stealing your food... buy another can! And he was doing a favor, honey. No more carbs!

janise 2

It might have been for a canned food drive at the kid's school. We used to have those all the time when I was in school.

Stumble 0

Yeah I found that out just now. They are raising canned food for Haiti. Now I feel like an asshole for putting this up. FML.

vkochie92 0

you should have monitered him, or went and grabbed a can for him. It's your own fault he stole your spagetti O's because you weren't watching him.

Dude, SpaghettiOs are narsty. The kid was doing you a favor. And unless he brought his Radio Flyer along with him and loaded it up, he probably only took one or two cans, right? Suck it up.

So... the only things in your cupboard were green beans and spaghettios? wasnt it time to go shopping anyway?