By :| - 26/09/2015 04:10 - New Zealand - Nelson

Today, my 6-year-old daughter touched a tray I'd just pulled out of the oven. I quickly swatted her hand away, but then noticed she wasn't hurt or burned at all. I then gingerly touched the tray and got scalded. My daughter giggled maniacally as I screamed. To be honest, I'm now terrified of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 729
You deserved it 4 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've raised an evil genius, congratulations, OP! You should be very proud!

caterinette 12

Seems like you have a little Targaryen right there...


subzero22 8

I don't know how especially with someone that young but I had a boss that could pull pans strait from the oven

maybe you somehow raised a child of Haphaestus.

why touch a hot tray? most take time to cool, even the coated ones. don't let curiosity override common sense

Your daughter is a true Targaryen! Fire and Blood!

You should get her checked out. There is a condition where some people feel absolutely no pain anywhere on there body. It's something to do with their nerves. Unless she just tricked you or something lol..

Ah yes.Another one of my minions.Should she reach the knowledge that she is one of us, she shall help destroy.