By :| - 26/09/2015 04:10 - New Zealand - Nelson

Today, my 6-year-old daughter touched a tray I'd just pulled out of the oven. I quickly swatted her hand away, but then noticed she wasn't hurt or burned at all. I then gingerly touched the tray and got scalded. My daughter giggled maniacally as I screamed. To be honest, I'm now terrified of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 729
You deserved it 4 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've raised an evil genius, congratulations, OP! You should be very proud!

caterinette 12

Seems like you have a little Targaryen right there...


If this is a common occurrence you might want to go get her checked at a doctor's office. It could be damaged nerves causing her not to feel pain.

Make her touch the next tray out of the oven. It would serve her right.

She is a future evil genius, she feels no pain.