By Anonymous - 22/06/2009 13:32 - Singapore

Today, my 9 year old nephew found his way onto my iTunes. I now have 401 songs titled "aidfj3P" by "ffjiel". FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 134
You deserved it 7 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maggie_gxx 0

oh man i love that song! ffjiel is the best. have u heard algfah9?

How was no one watching him for that long that he could change the names of 400 songs


Wtf, a 9 year old should know better than that. Kick his head in.

hcolovex0x 0

How cute :) but how wrong :/

alfonzo 0

9 year olds are brilliant these days.

At least it was only iTunes and he didn't get onto the internet and see things he shouldn't have. I'm all for not being a helicopter parent (uncle/aunt) but on the computer, a 9-year-old really needs supervision.

This was so fake. A 9 year old wouldn't know how to change the names of songs and that on there. And if he did, he'd be smart enough to know what to do and be able to put full words.

Or he was just being a jackass and did it on purpose.

HumansSuck 0

At 9, I was smart enough to change song names. Kids are really quick with computers.

Yes, children are raised around technology. Besides, working iTunes is not rocket science, I'm sure my 5-year-old nephew could do it.

When I was 9, I was my family's tech support. And I was up until I moved out. Renaming songs on iTunes is not hard at all though. And doesn't it have the ability to look up song names online? All you need to do is set the album names back to normal (if your library is mostly albums rather than random songs) and it'll find the rest.

Are you kidding? I am 17 now, but when I was 6 I made my own email by myself with an email provider my parents didn't use When I was 7 I programmed and soldered and microchip that was a motion and voice activated "cricket". By the time I was 9 I could install my own software, surf the internet, go on MSN and many other things. I bet my six year old nephews are computer savvy enough to change the names on iTunes because I know for a fact that my 8 year old niece can as she puts Jonas Brothers songs on her father's iPod.

skyttlz 32

it took me forever to figure out how to rename songs I actually had to go on yahoo answers

lukewarmocha 0

If you want the song names back, just listen to them and google the lyrics. Song title should come right up. But still, I would HATE this to happen to me, FYL :D

well that should be fun re naming them all P;