By Munch - 12/09/2017 04:00 - Australia - Mordialloc

Today, my short-tempered, alcoholic boyfriend proudly showed me the rifle he bought. This guy regularly swears at his own sneezes and often flies into fits of rage because it's hard to get his shoe on. Time to move out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 308
You deserved it 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you were cool with having an UNARMED, rage-a-holic, alcoholic boyfriend? It's funny that the trigger to finally get you away from this ticking time-bomb is literally a trigger.

boopingsnoot 24

It's not a question of if he'll murder someone, but when. When you break up with him, try to be somewhere public, preferably with big strong friends waiting nearby.


Dude, get the **** out now. Just the temper is scary enough on its own, but with a weapon involved? Yikes. My boyfriend has a concealed carry permit, and a small handgun, but he's also very gentle-natured and level-headed so I can trust him to have it around me. In your case . . . I would run.

What is interesting to me is that this nutter got a gun despite Australia's really strict gun controls

Good point. I don't know 1 person who owns a gun and wouldn't have the slightest clue how to obtain one. This guy's mates are obviously dodgy.... That location is fairly central so not on a farm. It's very rare in Australia to hear of anyone having a firearm that isn't bikie related.

Stay safe!! it's good that you realize the danger you're in.

BeardedLondoner 24

Sounds like the type of guy that will end up shooting himself in the foot *ba-dum-tss*

Sounds like it was time to move out a loooong time ago!

Glad to see your self esteem is so low you willingly stay with an alcoholic boyfriend, who by your own admission 'often flies into fits of rage because it's hard to get his shoe on'. Time to move out? More like time to move on.... Sheesh, have some respect.

Don't know why this is getting thumbs down. It is very hard to hide alcoholism and a short temper that bad for long during dating. It rarely just appears BOOM out of nowhere years later, especially with the frequency she describes he flies off the handle. I have briefly dated guys who fit into those categories and when I saw they had a temper or addiction issues i WALKED AWAY instead of continuing to date them and let my life be so intertwined with them that it was too late to. It's called respecting yourself. So many girls sadly think being in a bad relationship is better than being single.

Toxic narcissistic relationships develop slowly over time and women don't see them coming or that they are being isolated until they are stuck, that I have sympathy for. Someone with a fuse that short would have always had it.

Probably being thumbs downed because you're being a bitch to someone that has been desensitized to abuse, meaning that instead of actually being a decent human being, you are reasserting the same sort of things that lead to people staying in abusive relationships. Or maybe the fact that people with short tempers can and do sometimes hide how bad their temper is until they have the other person reliant on them because of financial reasons, being socially isolated, physically disabled, or being too scared to leave. In other words, your comment is being disliked because you are a huge jerk and blaming a victim's for being in the situation they are in, with no background information or knowledge of what lead up to the current situation. You may be entitled to have that opinion and to have your horrible personality, but people are just as entitled to thumbs down your comment and call you out on your bullshit.

"They can't hide it" do you know about abusers?? Honestly, **** you. Abusers typically ease victims into their real personality while destroying their self esteem(so even more **** you for that self respect comment) and making them feel like it's normal/they deserve it. I'd probably say many, if not most abusers would be considered short-tempered and many of course are alcoholics. So yeah, you're a victim blaming asshole

The short-tempered, alcoholic part would have made me leave a long time ago.

Leave now. Your life is to important to risk.

Seek help. He might try to hunt you if you break up with him.

Are you on Drugs bitch it time to brake up HOLD THIS L✊?