By dumbteacher - 23/05/2011 14:35

Today, my AP teacher once again accused me of plagiarism. Apparently the words "demise," "ultimately," and "rural," are too sophisticated for an 11th grade AP student to use and MUST have been copied from the Internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 545
You deserved it 3 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ultimately, your rural demise is imminent.

Expertfail 0

Jokes on them; if you're telling the truth then you're clearly more intelligent than they think you could be, good for you!


Wow... 'rural', 'demise' and 'ultimately' aren't genius words (I can't think of an example of a genius word, probably because I would consider those to be words outside my vocabulary, and thus its not in my vocabulary...) I think most of those words are on spelling lists for 11-year-olds.

Sesh54 7

I learned those words in 4th grade ur teachers probably a dumbass

Zombieslayer1 0

Your teacher is an ass. First off, those words are very common and I used them when I was like 7 or 8 (course I read a lot as a child so you can't go by me). Second, it's not against any rules to use the Internet and is even encouraged by some teachers, so long as you don't just copy what the article says. I will admit OP that now in this wonderful country, schooling isn't what it used to be. There are still 19 year olds who have problems with stuff covered in Algebra 1. Either way, if your teacher gives you a hard time you are within your rights to take the matter to higher authority.

tinypurplegiant 0

AP means advanced placement. I took AP history and it was shitty. Sorry, OP I honestly think your teacher has something up their ass today.

RainbowHeadache 2

My English teachers were like this because I liked reading & learning new words. I would try really hard to write sophisticated sounding papers with as many big words as I could put without it sounding overdone, but they always accused me of plagiarism.

Zombieslayer1 0

I used to go through the dictionary and find really long words, then I'd write them down on a piece of paper and use a week to commit them to memory. I only read classic literature when I was 7 and would look up any words I didn't know. You gotta lobe us word nerds.

RainbowHeadache 2

Could be because we never had AP classes though. And under 500 kids from pre-k to sr. lol OP, it sounds a little like your teacher could have a vendetta against you... I've known a bunch of teachers who single out one kid because they don't like them & scrutinize everything they do. They'll pick at anything they can to make them miserable. You should talk to your principal since this isn't a first time thing for your teacher.

RainbowHeadache 2

I would do the same. I did hard cross word puzzles, read the biggest books I could find, used bigger words in conversations n such. Lobe? Hope that was intentional cuz I see what you did tharrr. haha

Zombieslayer1 0

Reading about you I find were quite alike. Have you ever read World War Z? Great book.

BS. You are taking AP English, she is used to all those words. You just got caught plagiarizing, I love it when HS students think they are smarter than everyone else and then get all pissed when they realize they aren't.

You're making quite the assumption there. Obviously, the teacher is not intelligent enough to be teaching an AP class. The point of the FML was that the student has a larger vocabulary than the teacher, and that these false accusations of plagiarism are a common occurrence.

fthku 13

#77, could you be more bitter? Funny about that little statement of yours about HS students thinking they are smarter (which is dumb, it's the type of person you are, has nothing to do with being in HS), when your own comment is reeking of condescension.

Zombieslayer1 0

I've had some really shitty teachers who obviously didn't know what they were doing. One cookery teacher told us to store rice dishes near a hot radiator; this could have given us food poisoning. She also believed that she was better and knew more than her students. Either she was excessively arrogant, or she secretly hated children and wished to make them very very ill.

Zombieslayer1 0

Don't all teachers end up hating their pupils at some point? That is kinda ****** though.

yes, yes all HS students are smarter than their teachers. I TOTALLY forgot about that, I profusely apologize. Actually look up how difficult it is to become a HS teacher, let alone an AP teacher, you'd be surprised.

Zombieslayer1 0

Wow, you seem very's because all your students are smarter then you isn't it?

No one said that all students are smarter than their teachers. You're the one who brought that up. And just because most schools follow the guidelines and actually have strict requirements for becoming an AP teacher, the sad truth is that many schools let teachers have AP classes when they are clearly not capable of teaching the course. You actually do seem pretty bitter, so I'm gonna guess either you had a bad experience as a student who plagiarized or as a teacher whose colleagues were incompetent. Or maybe you're just a pissed off parent.


No offence bur that could have been a result of you being off your "pattern". When you try your best unknown ability your AP teacher thought " plagarism"

1himfan666 0