By treeless - 24/12/2011 08:11 - Canada

Today, my apartment was broken into. The thief stole my TV, $350, and my Christmas tree. There is still a trail of broken ornaments from my living room to the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 883
You deserved it 2 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, the Grinch is back to his evil, anti-Christmas ways!!!


crchara 3

He was just too lazy to set up and decorate his own tree this year, so he had to steal yours.

Notyour6969_fml 1

Feel honored that the grinch made a special trip to you this year... Hope you have insurance!

:( that sucks. You should return all the presents you get for money and buy a new tv

KentuckyRebel92 8

Your as cuddly as a cactus, mr grinch.

Having your house broken into is a FYL. Still having a trail of broken ornaments is a YDI. Quit bitching and clean that shit up.

DaMan25 4

Sounds like someone went Christmas shopping haha

glitter2012 0

Aww that sucks! Right before christmas :(