By malos - 12/08/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my band got booed off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 379
You deserved it 47 564

Same thing different taste


A few weeks ago, I was modding the FMLs and came across one that said something like: "Today, my band got booed off the stage. We were performing at my 10 year old brother's birthday party. FML" That would've sucked even more.

Well, obviously, you shouldn't have been on the stage in the first place.

kmanandh 0

YDI for posting this for fake sympathy and simply sucking. Don't blame an audience if you suck, and if you think you don't suck, then don't try and get sympathy.

... they aren't blaming the audiance, it does suck.>_>


bwhahahahahahaha if u suck y do u perform

WOW HAHAHAHAHHAHAA THATS SOO FUNNY!! ydi for sucking at music!

well that's rude of your audience! >:( I hate how unnecessarily mean ppl can be...I mean srsly! how would THEY feel if they worked up the confidence to finally go onstage, and ppl just start rejecting them in the rudest way possible?? I'm really sorry OP, that sucks