By malos - 12/08/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my band got booed off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 379
You deserved it 47 564

Same thing different taste


That would be my worst fear as a musician. I play in a orchestra so it wouldn't be so bad :S I really sorry for the OP! How awful.

Kawaiichan42 3

No body who goes to the orchestra is rude enough to boo them off stage, or out of the pit, rather. One more reason I had hoped to play in one someday.

ydi for thinking your band is all 'cool' when really you guys suck :) try youtube first & then see where that takes you :D

So don't suck. Keep practicing and get better, getting in the music biz is tough!

Instablend 3

I bet they're better than Nickelback. Everyone is, except Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber.

iloveurmother 0
mc1900 4

you must have really really sucked. i've seen tons of crap bands but none actually got booed off. haha