By Pizza-less - 04/09/2011 04:16 - United States

Today, my best friend and I were playing Call of Duty, when he said he had to go to the bathroom. Curious, I checked his phone. A text message read, "Tell your friend you're going to the bathroom and come eat. Pizza is here." from his dad. Apparently, I'm not good enough to feed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 641
You deserved it 8 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

herpitydurteedur 0

Kill them >:3 I'd just be like oh hey I'm leaving and when they ask why just say oh cause I wouldn't want you to to feel like you have to share your precious pizza with me so I'll just go home.

ritzbits 0

pizza is delicious, you should have found them and took a slice.


I've had that happen to me. Except it wasn't with a text. My friends aunt (she lived with her aunt and uncle) actually called to everyone except me saying that supper was ready. And my friend had to go eat, or she would be grounded. So I know how op feels. It sucks. And it hurts.

Well then that meant that it was time for you to go. I don't understand everyone saying how the father was wrong. And even you, did you even ask if you were welcome for dinner? If they didn't ask you if you would like to stay for dinner, that means they want you to GO HOME.

numberswoman 14

Maybe you're there ALL OF THE TIME and his folks are just tired of feeding you!

Your friend had to do something every humam has to do.. go to the bathroom.. and you got curious? Paranoid much?

When your over a friends house they have the responsibility to feed you. Now their Meanies!

Rude none the less but they're not obligated to feed you just because you're there unless agreed upon prior

I can hear it now: Kid: can my friend eat some too? Dad: I'm not feeding that four eyed pencil neck geek you call a friend...... Sometimes u gotta hand it ti dads, they call em like they see em......

structuredchaoz 4

Some families can't afford to feed the neighborhood. Get over it.

poppylamonzo 0

How could you stop playing in the middle of 24/7 Nuketown?!

pvtgrey6289 4

...Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretttttttyy sure there is a rule in bro code that says...*clears throat* "Thou shalt not check another bro's phone or communication device when that bro leaves your immediate area." ...or something like that. That's something that a girlfriend would do...just sayin...and I agree with the Dominos idea. Call them up to his house and when his dad answers the door, come up behind him and say "That's for me. I didn't wanna be rude and eat all of your food, SIR." Get a personal and breadsticks and eat ALL OF IT in front of your bud....revenge is a cruel b**ch