By Pizza-less - 04/09/2011 04:16 - United States

Today, my best friend and I were playing Call of Duty, when he said he had to go to the bathroom. Curious, I checked his phone. A text message read, "Tell your friend you're going to the bathroom and come eat. Pizza is here." from his dad. Apparently, I'm not good enough to feed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 641
You deserved it 8 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

herpitydurteedur 0

Kill them >:3 I'd just be like oh hey I'm leaving and when they ask why just say oh cause I wouldn't want you to to feel like you have to share your precious pizza with me so I'll just go home.

ritzbits 0

pizza is delicious, you should have found them and took a slice.


stacianichole 2

Don't invade your friend's privacy, and yes it sucks to be left out so...FYL for not being included but YDI for looking at his phone. It evens out.

Munchkin13 6

Why are you checking his phone anyways?

Yeah he is cheap and very rude. Did you do anything to make his dad not like you? If not parents these days are terrible

tatianaw 0

I would have found them. Said "hope you like the pizza" and then left. That's really ****** up. They were being selfish.

wow, what a wonderful bestfriend you have.

There could be a variety of reasons for this and not necessarily a judgement of your value as a friend. For starters, they could have ordered a smaller sized pizza which could mean that it's only for family and they really weren't anticipating you coming over. It could also be that you mooched stuff off them in the past and they feel reluctant to give you things. It could also be that they're really stuck up and selfish. Who knows what the issue is but you should give your friend a benefit of a doubt. Perhaps if in the past you took but never gave, maybe you should start giving as well.

Same thing happened to me once. I was at a friends house with a big group of girls having a sleepover. They kept me up all night because I had to sleep on the hardwood, and when I woke up from a bad dream, I heard them quietly eating breakfast and saying 'is she awake? is she awake?' -_-

Maddoctor 10

How is that being a sheep exactly? Please explain.

throw the phone at the wall and make sure u break it