By Pizza-less - 04/09/2011 04:16 - United States

Today, my best friend and I were playing Call of Duty, when he said he had to go to the bathroom. Curious, I checked his phone. A text message read, "Tell your friend you're going to the bathroom and come eat. Pizza is here." from his dad. Apparently, I'm not good enough to feed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 642
You deserved it 8 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

herpitydurteedur 0

Kill them >:3 I'd just be like oh hey I'm leaving and when they ask why just say oh cause I wouldn't want you to to feel like you have to share your precious pizza with me so I'll just go home.

ritzbits 0

pizza is delicious, you should have found them and took a slice.


You deserved it. Don't snoop through other's private property.

Then you shouldn't have read his phone!..... Idiot

OMG! I would never do that! When my kids had friends over, I'd buy food for everyone or not at all! That is so rude of them! You should stay away from there! I'm sorry you got treated so badly!

Do you normally get curious when others go to the bathroom? It is natural.

He goes to the bathroom and your immediate reaction is to check his phone for....reasons why?

VicmahnFml 0

Don't be an effin mooch, times are tough the economy has hit us all hard... Unless It's Digiorno.. Then u really must suck lol

That is pretty mean of them, but think of it this way. Maybe they didnt have enough and r going threw hard times so they couldnt afford to feed another person. My family is struggling really hard, but we always feed anyone that comes to our house. (dont say 'maybe thats y ur broke' because u know what I mean!) So maybe they r just jerks....altho...maybe ur the jerk....u DID look at ur friends txts....idk...sry OP

I sure as hell don't feel obliged to feed my friends. I mean, if they're here every other day it's not very special. If it was a prearranged thing then sure. But in op's situation it sounds like he's there all the time. Though I do think the friend's family sucks for eating while he's still there.

Maybe cause your the type of friend that goes through your "best friends" phone!