By Pizza-less - 04/09/2011 04:16 - United States

Today, my best friend and I were playing Call of Duty, when he said he had to go to the bathroom. Curious, I checked his phone. A text message read, "Tell your friend you're going to the bathroom and come eat. Pizza is here." from his dad. Apparently, I'm not good enough to feed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 641
You deserved it 8 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

herpitydurteedur 0

Kill them >:3 I'd just be like oh hey I'm leaving and when they ask why just say oh cause I wouldn't want you to to feel like you have to share your precious pizza with me so I'll just go home.

ritzbits 0

pizza is delicious, you should have found them and took a slice.


leadman1989 15

It's not delivery, it's digiorno, you still can't have any...

thiscrazything 1

UDI for reading someone elses text. If ur gonna snoop, be prepared to find out things you didn't want to know.


you deserve it for reading his texts ?

maybe if you stopped snooping around in other peoples business, they would welcome you to the dinner table

catharsis5 9

Sorry to say but sometimes people are in a tight budget. My mom does that, she would cook with a small budget that could barely feed us in a week while my brother invites people to the house without telling anybody and they would stay for hours. My mom would wait until they leave before cooking or setting the table.

giggles1497 0

this seems a bit fake. why would he leave his phone at your house and how would he leave? unless u have a window in your bathroom.

pretend you're going to check what was taking so long and walk in on them eating dinner.