By ...thanks - 07/09/2013 14:17 - United States

Today, my best friend confessed to me that she's a lesbian. She quickly added, "Oh, don't worry, I don't like you. You're not attractive." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 696
You deserved it 4 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not attractive to women? As long as you're not gay too, who cares. Guys will still like you because you have boobs. Seriously, that's all it takes. I dated my wife for 2 months before I realised she even had a face.

Chin up, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Besides, I hope you aren't in love with her.


koza 8

She meant that you're not attractive to her. You must not be her type.

she probably felt a need to state that because so many straight people assume their gay friends are attracted to them.

Who cares? People are attracted to many of things not Just looks

lolita88_fml 27

It happens, no need to fret over it.

Not a big problem, unless you are into girls and you like her. But I'm sure she did it because she likes your friendship and didn't want to make a weird situation.

Why not ask her. Maybe she can help pretty you up a little.

I don't know if you should be offended or relieved ?_? It's okay though because there's someone out there for you ~_~

Wait till she's drunk though, she'll change her mind

Yveek 4

I'm guessing ur speaking from experience. Lol