By Anonymous - 15/09/2009 10:53 - United States

Today, my best friend, the man who I've been in love with for nine years, finally told me he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Unfortunately, it was while he was using me to practice proposing to his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 935
You deserved it 8 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should tell him how you feel before he marries her...or you'll regret it.


You are really a shitty friend for just pretending to be a friend when you really wanted to be his lover. I'm sure the girlfriend knows you and trusts you, but you are just a snake in the grass. To make up for your evil ways, set up a threesome and send us the pics. It's the least you can do.

Or threaten to kill yourself if he doesn't hook up with you.

That is surprisingly effective. The guy has a really solid excuse if he gets caught. "Honey, I was just sacrificing my body to save her life." You work that thing right, you can get her to apologize to you for screwing around on her. Mental Ju-jitsu at its finest.

springbother 0

春哥祝福你找到一个如意郎君 f-yourlife

I think you're mainly in love with all the unrequited drama of it. Why in the hell would you let him "practice his proposal" on you? Masochist much?

Qblicnene 0

WTF you've been in love with him for nine years, you should have gotten over him 8 yrs ago. If it was meant to be then it would be. Move on.

unhappyperson 0

At least tell him how you feel. At least you will not spend your life regretting NOT telling him. And even if it were to effect the friendship, would you really want to spend your life watching him with another woman that has the soul that you adore more than anything? No. Trust me. Tell him. One way or another you will not want to stick around for this marriage - if it happens.

Straight-up wrong. She's not going to be this guy's best friend anymore, she's not going to "be around" for the marriage at all - the marriage is between the married people. She's already spent nine years selfishly convincing herself of how selfless she is for sticking around while she "loves" him. If there's even a mote of actual love there and she cares about his happiness, she'll let him live his life the way he's chosen to do it. This is not a sappy movie where everything comes out alright after an hour and a half of drama.

That's awful! She had 8 years to say something, his marriage IS NOT the time to admit your feelings! Suck up the fact you missed out, be happy for them, and find the person who is actually meant to be with you!

You need to grow some balls, or in this case, some self esteem. He is your best friend? You should have said something. No you are just a jealous, obsessed, creepy snake in the grass and you're going to turn into a serial killer because of your repressed feelings. You have 2 options to fix this. 1. Swear off men and have sex with random women from craigslist. 2. Forget him and have sex with random men off of craigslist.

OUCHH!!! Prepare to cry urself to sleep everynight :(

hate_my_life29 0

You deserved it for not saying anything for 9 YEARS! How stupid can you be? What did you expect, that he could read your mind? It's your own fault

9 YEARS!!!! If you don't become one of those crazy cat ladies I will fucken run to China