By Anonymous - 15/09/2009 10:53 - United States

Today, my best friend, the man who I've been in love with for nine years, finally told me he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Unfortunately, it was while he was using me to practice proposing to his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 935
You deserved it 8 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should tell him how you feel before he marries her...or you'll regret it.


drummer4life 0

Honestly, i feel really sorry for you. But you gotta go half way there. If he doesnt go the other half, then you should forget about it. In 9 years, im sure you could've prepared for this. But once again, i'm really sorry.

And during these 9 years did you ever think about telling him how you feel. Sounds like YDI.

this is silly! either grow a pair and tell him how you feel, or get over it and move on! This is no way to live your life, mooning over a guy who only sees you as a friend! FOR 9 YEARS!!!!

That's what happens when you pine your life away while you wait for somebody to notice you. Either have the courage to fess up or find somebody else. Sorry to sound harsh, but it's better than learning the hard way, which you WILL unless you act on it.

This FML annoys me - why can't you BE HAPPY for this guy? If you truly loved him you'd be happy for him and accept his decision to marry someone else. grrr.

RubixMonkey 0

Uh she never said she wasn't happy for him, she was just unhappy for herself.

HBubble 3

Tell him or spend the rest of your life wondering

RubixMonkey 0

check #84 people. She said HE KNOWS.

well that sucks. your life is fuked but in love for nine years and u kno he doesnt care about you and you're still in love with him??? wtf....

Listen people. She doesn't "love" this guy. If she did then she would have said something about it or tried to go after him. She didn't. She wasted her time obsessing about this guy. She probably could have been married by now, but she decided to obsess about this man. No sympathy for you from me. And you suck.

Run bitch run! Seriously though, stop hanging out with him until you can temper your feelings for/about him.