By Anonymous - 15/09/2009 10:53 - United States

Today, my best friend, the man who I've been in love with for nine years, finally told me he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Unfortunately, it was while he was using me to practice proposing to his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 935
You deserved it 8 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should tell him how you feel before he marries her...or you'll regret it.


This. YDI, if you love someone for 9 years and don't say something then it's your fault. If you did say something and they don't feel the same, stop holding on to your feelings, they mean nothing except heartache.

YDI, why? Because its been 9 years, and you are best friends, how did you even expect him to be sexually attracted to you? If you expected him to be like you, have been waiting since 9 years and probably till eternity before spilling his heart, then I'm afriad, you fail at life. Seriously girl, move on. If you really were serious about him, should've told him earlier, though there is time to do so still.

That sucks, but I'm guessing you didn't tell him, so YDI..

(Sorry this ended up being so long. Don't feel obligated to read all of it - most of it is addressed to the OP.) Perhaps the OP had told him, he didn't feel the same way, and she decided that she'd rather settle for being his friend than to not have him in her life at all. Some people can move on easily, and some can't. Being his friend isn't going to make the whole "moving on" process any easier, but that's the sacrifice she's made. And that's what happens when deep feelings exist in deep people - especially when he is her ideal guy. OP, I'm very sorry for the way things turned out. I've been there before. I would recommend kindly telling him that you feel that way (or that you still feel that way, if you had told him before), and perhaps you should just have sort of a distanced friendship, because at that point that would be easier for the both of you. I'm sure you want him to be happy, after all. If his girlfriend really is the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and if she accepts his proposal, you have to accept that and give them their space. It will probably never be the same between the two of you, but that distance between you will help you move on. Right now the whole concept of "moving on" is probably painful for you to think about, but once you see them happy together and contemplating "forever" together, moving on won't seem so painful in the end. And, if you HADN'T told him, then you have a decision ahead of you. If you would still rather have him in your life as your friend, you should work on moving on WITHOUT telling him how you feel. If you plan to stay his friend, then putting that pressure on him wouldn't have a good result. If you are alright with the idea of letting go of the friendship and letting go of him, then be honest about your feelings and explain that you can't do it anymore. But in either case, just try to make sure that he doesn't feel like you're pressuring him to be with you.

YDI. I have absolutely no sympathy for people who are too cowardly to tell someone they love them, especially if you've been pining for the guy for nine years. You had your chance, you didn't take it and now he's marrying someone else. I don't know why you're trying to get people to pity you.

You NEED to become best friends with his wife. I mean REALLY close friends. Sleeping with her is the closest you'll ever get to sleeping with him.

This FML gave me a GREAT way to break up w/ a gal!!