By Anonymous - 22/04/2014 15:26 - Canada - Sackville

Today, my biology professor was giving a lecture to everyone and used me as an example. For what? Traits men are repulsed by in potential mates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 835
You deserved it 3 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, in front of the whole class? Is your professor completely oblivious to the feelings of others? Sorry OP you had to be subjected to that kind of humiliation.

Make him an example of how students are repulsed by teachers.


rocker_chick23 27

Report him. That was very unprofessional of him.

kendall123232 3

A perfect example of bullying in school.

Now that's what I call an evil teacher

I would've laughed at it like it was a joke. Not to be mean but build a bridge and get over it. That's what I do. Brush it off sweetheart.

Sounds like sex ed not biology. Everyone isn't attracted to the same traits so his theory is just that ..

kittcatt 8

Actually there are some very general traits that people are attracted to. Lighter skin, hips that are proportionally wider than the waist, a flat stomach, shiny healthy looking hair. On a very basic biological level men are attracted to young, healthy looking women that can give them offspring while women go for the older males who can provide for them and their offspring and provide protection.

Eh. He's just being a dick, don't let it get to you.