By Anonymous - 22/04/2014 15:26 - Canada - Sackville

Today, my biology professor was giving a lecture to everyone and used me as an example. For what? Traits men are repulsed by in potential mates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 835
You deserved it 3 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, in front of the whole class? Is your professor completely oblivious to the feelings of others? Sorry OP you had to be subjected to that kind of humiliation.

Make him an example of how students are repulsed by teachers.


that is mad unprofessional I'd report them to admission.

teachers are horrible.I had a biology teacher who talked about how much bacteria and germs are in hair and the more hair you have the more infested you are and how gross it makes him feel.he pointed to me and said "this much hair is disgustingly infested"

Go to the princepal and report, teachers should not use childern like that. And since one ever stands up for thier class mate, this could be the start of bulling.

Vanshikap 24

whoa. sorry about that OP. that sucks. don't take it to heart,ur teaches is an asshole. you will always be someone's type,and beauty isn't skin deep.

Your teacher is rude. Hope he did t crush your self esteem too much!

That's just mean. I hope he or she apologized to you a lot during the lesson or at least once after the lesson had ended.

FYL if it's physical traits, YDI if it's behavioral. Besides Op, don't take it super personally, in the animal kingdom it's just for mating traits to provide stornger offspring, it's got little or nothing to do with love.

Perfect example why teachers have to earn my respect, rather than just giving it to them. I've had many teachers who were condescending dicks and believed they actually had authority. I would have told that teacher to go **** him/herself and I would have marched right to the principle's office.

This is completely unprofessional on your professor's behalf. I'm sorry, OP.

Woah, that is downright disrespectful! Nice new addition to my English vocabulary though: 'dicknoggin'. FYL