By Anonymous - 22/04/2014 15:26 - Canada - Sackville

Today, my biology professor was giving a lecture to everyone and used me as an example. For what? Traits men are repulsed by in potential mates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 834
You deserved it 3 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, in front of the whole class? Is your professor completely oblivious to the feelings of others? Sorry OP you had to be subjected to that kind of humiliation.

Make him an example of how students are repulsed by teachers.


Maybe he used you as an example, because he thought you could handle it. In any case, don't let it bring you down, your traits will attract the perfect partner to you, who will love you for who you are. Everyone is different and not everybody likes the same thing.

good thing time when he start lecturing sex education he will use him self as example of "dick"... sorry OP that mist have been humiliating..

What an ass! I still want to know what the traits were... Were they physical or personality traits?

Me too, because I cant believe a teacher would just call out something you cant change

Have him reported. This is sexual harassment and humiliation, and should not be taken passively.

how the hell was it sexual. You're over reacting because you don't know enough of the story to comment this strongly.

I actually think this wasn't the teacher's honest opinion of OP, and that the teacher just made a pseudo-example of a student like any other teacher. I'm willing to bet the teacher's statements actually went something like "Let's say Jennifer has the following traits..." It would be no different than when a teacher would say "Let's say Bob slaps Sally, and Sally slaps him back..." It does not imply that the teacher actually thinks Bob and Sally will slap each other, it simply means the teacher likes to use hypothetical student examples to inject a bit of humor into the lecture.

FlinkeMeisje 5

This is when you use a completely NON-existent, pretend person to be the example. Shucks, if you need to point to someone, draw a stick figure on the blackboard. You don't use a REAL person as an in-class example, unless it is as a positive example. And even then, you have to be careful, because some people have anxiety issues and don't want the teacher to draw attention to them. This teacher was so wrong!

Wow Op. I'm sorry you have a shitty teacher. If you ever need an example of a crappy person, you already have one.

I would have been reported him...that's beyond inappropriate, this should be a person you look up to

Report that insensitive prick. And to really drive the nail in, that could be reported a harassment or bullying.

My teacher did something like this to me once. She told me, I was like a decoration, sitting there, doing nothing and looking pretty. Sometimes it's just best to ignore it, and wait for karma to get them back. Sorry that had to happen to you, but really, someone that gets a thrill out of doing this to their students is bound to be a very sad and lonely individual.

How was that the same thing as OP? You weren't insulted, you were complimented. And besides, teachers are supposed to call you out on doing nothing in their class, you're there to learn. -.-

Excuse me, how is being called stupid a compliment? This same teacher also told me numerous times I was too stupid for school. And, not doing anything in her oppinion meant, that I didn't understand something she asked the class, and when nobody raises their hand, she called on me. If I defend myself, she grades me down, and I really do try to be active in class, but latin just isn't my subject, but does that give a teacher the right to ridicule you in front of the whole class? I do think that the situations are simular, both are shallow remarks.

You're absolutely right, #71. No teacher should feel entitled to degrade your intelligence. I'm sorry that happened to you.