By Anonymous - 22/04/2014 15:26 - Canada - Sackville

Today, my biology professor was giving a lecture to everyone and used me as an example. For what? Traits men are repulsed by in potential mates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 834
You deserved it 3 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, in front of the whole class? Is your professor completely oblivious to the feelings of others? Sorry OP you had to be subjected to that kind of humiliation.

Make him an example of how students are repulsed by teachers.


Attacksloth 33

Use him as an example of a belligerent and mean professor when you report him to the dean's office.

Flash the class and walk out like a boss. Win.

I would've gone to him after class and tell him how upsetting it is that he said this.

He should be reported. Singling out one person(or even a group) is completely wrong.

Retort back with traits that women are repulsed by; namely, all of his. Seriously, what a fuckhead. Do us all a favor and sterilize him with a nice, swift kick to the nuts.

That is extremely inappropriate and insensitive of him/her. You should report him- s/he has no right to judge whether or not you would be a good girlfriend or not.

THAT'S NOT WHAT IT WAS ABOUT. seriously do none of you people commenting take biology? I admit the teacher was out of line, ours are told to never relate their lessons to ourselves or people we know, but I reallllly feel like we do not know enough about the situation to be so rude to the teacher. Seriously though the subject had nothing to do with being a good girlfriend, I am willing to bet it was all about what creatures in the animal kingdom look for in another to mate with. Maybe OP has really narrow hips, which doesn't indicate good fertility like wide birthing hips do. Etc.

tweetypie 18

@69 Would you like for a teacher/professor to call you up in front an entire classroom and point out your flaws (narrow hips, etc) and the reasons you wouldn't be a potential mate? The op didn't say anything about the animal kingdom, she said things MEN are repulsed by.

rocker_chick23 27

#69: Having wide hips doesn't indicate being more fertile than women with narrow hips. Where did you hear something like that?

What an ass, that is so unprofessional . Don't worry too much though, you'll move on to bigger and better things, and every passing year he'll still be stuck as a bitter asshole of a teacher.

I'd have said "these traits got me to bangin your mom last night" but I'm a guy so...