By anonymous - 06/02/2015 05:16 - Australia - Mitcham

Today, my boss brought his cat to the office. Despite our no pet policy, I still managed to get the blame when the crazy animal scratched 3 colleagues and peed on the floor after my boss left for bathroom. Apparently I was supposed to be "looking after it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 707
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eyebrowzzz 21

What grown man brings their cat to work

It would be a shame if someone left the door open.


Who brings their cat to work? He needs to get a life and do his ******* job. "Looking after it"? What the hell is that supposed to mean. Is it your pet? No. Do you know the pet? No. Are you best friends with your boss? No. Does that cat have anything to do with you? No. I assume your boss is just your boss, not your friend, not your family member. That's like saying "oh I barely know who the hell you even are, but can you look after this cat while i go to the bathroom?" Who the **** does that. Your colleagues and boss are all dumb.