By The Sbeak - 13/02/2009 15:54 - United States

By The Sbeak - 13/02/2009 15:54 - United States
hahah, wow... this whole situation is just hilarious (;
lol love this solution
I'm pretty surprised some yaoi fangirls haven't been screaming "YAOIYAOIYAOIYAOIYAOI!!!!" All over the place. Btw, if you don't know what yaoi is, please look it up, because I don't want to tell you.
My cousin reads yaoi and told me i should try. I didn't know what yaoi was then. Never EVER again(btw im a guy and my cuz isnt)
What's yaoi ?
that's rough... literally lol
duct tape your ass cheeks together
Accidentally downvoted and this is an awkward thing to say, but gay hentai. I'm gonna go dunk my head in bleach now, k
hahahaha. wow... first of all, don't accept any drinks from him. and going to his room for late night "work" means you're gonna bleed from where you're not supposed to! :D and if you're at dinner and he asks you to toss his salad.... he doesn't mean the kind from a restaurant with ranch. BTW, have fun on your trip.
•¥• ^greath haha
3, you forgot one. you need insurance for your ass virginity
aww damn. haha that dude has it BAD
How many times can you laugh your ass off?
how do you know all this?
The world may never know
he will if you have a sweet virgin asshole!
I agree 100% ??
#7 is right. I was just being funny on #3, but i've worked with gay people, gone to school, parties, etc,...they're no different than anyone else. Lots of times they're even funnier and have better personalities that most. If you went on a business trip with a female coworker.. would you expect her to think that YOU are going to rape her? cmon man... gay guys are people too. chill with the homophobia...
wait no honestly, you're all so ******* dumb... nowhere in the fml does it say that his boss was gay. i'm not even going to explain but you guys are the dumbfucks for generalizing, not him. think about THAT, imbeciles.
Big Gay Al's Big Gay Theme Park says differently
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayif the female coworker aforementioned by 8 was going on a business trip with a male whom she had seen search "virgin female coworkers assholes" on google, she would be concerned for her safety. as is our OP. in summary, the gays need to stop thinking everyone us out to get them. the world doesn't revolve around you!
You seem to have missed the point, its nothing to do with homophobia the guy typed virgin BOY assholes, it sounds more paedophilic than anything, report the guy!
True, many heterosexual men look up ****, and the vaginas/assholes of women. Does that mean we rape female coworkers? Funny FML regardless
484. Never, ever drop the soap.
Hi i really thin ur cool
You just made the English language cry.
Yes, so much yes
I'm sure he just wants to remember what his asshole used to look like... Before people started putting things in it.
lol win
@ #709, are you talking about the head on his shoulders?
#3 got madd hardcore.... anyway, could be worse, @ least hes not openly trying 2 get ur "virgin boy asshole" >.>''
#14.. look at post #8 and 7....
Also remember that depending on the browser, Google will try to insert suggested search terms. Try this in Firefox. Go to and then start typing "I am extremely" or "Why do I have" and see what hilarity pops up. And yes, even if it was his search, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Being myself gay, I can honestly say that business is business and impropriety of that sort has no place in any work-related context.
gay virgin boy asshole
23, you don't seem to understand that his boss was searching for gay child ****. That is definitely cause for concern.
It's not child ****. In that context, "boy" just means young guy. Besides, you won't find child **** on Google.
Haha this is actually true, one time I was trying be funny so I googled how does one... And google autocompleted my sentence to how does one get herpes. I've never googled that ever.
that doesn't mean that he personally has been looking up "virgin boy assholes" on Google. They have a new-ish feature that shows all kinds of possible searches based on the letters you're typing in. it would be great if he really HAD done the search himself, but 10 to 1 he didn't. sorry.
actually but google messes up sometimes though I remember when I was doing a research essay on a school computer I typed in a word that was far from inappropriate but it's first suggestion was "hot wet women pussy" so yea googles screws up sometimes
You can tell the difference between random autocompletes and previous searches, though. Previous searches are purple.
that probably means someone looked that up before you got on the computer. lol
hahahaha. wow... first of all, don't accept any drinks from him. and going to his room for late night "work" means you're gonna bleed from where you're not supposed to! :D and if you're at dinner and he asks you to toss his salad.... he doesn't mean the kind from a restaurant with ranch. BTW, have fun on your trip.
swallow a fork dude.