By dragynfyre - 06/03/2012 05:37 - United States

Today, my boss called me out for a drug test. His reason was because my eyes are puffy and bloodshot, making me look high. I've been suffering from allergies all week, but still had to pee in a cup in front of a complete stranger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 903
You deserved it 2 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jDCrackpot 7

Better to pee in a cup in front of a stranger than get fired for refusing to take a drug test. Sure it's uncomfortable but if you haven't taken anything you've got nothing to hide.

alstbv12 13

Yeah he meant that. His iPhone just autocorrected his entire sentence.


BeautyMonster 17

Did u explain this to him? Is it your work policy that this can be done? If not, you have been harassed and falsely accused.

Hey, at least it wasn't a stool sample.

He's not going to test you two days in a row. So after the test smoke up!!

I already do pee in a cup. Its way better then a toilet.

Toddle 7

That's life for you. Get used to it.

I don't see a problem unless your guilty of something

Welcome to reality OP. We live in a world where everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Employment eligibility should be based off of performance only but everything is just too political anymore.

In case you didn't know - doing any of the drugs that you actually get tested for is a crime. Some companies don't want to hire people who break the law, and that is within their prerogative. Also, no, it shouldn't only be based on performance, there is no way in hell I would employ someone who was a misogynistic asshole who harasses all my female staff even if he was a golden boy. That's not how the world works, being smart/skillful/resourceful should not give you a free ticket to do whatever the heck you want.

I doubt the other person meant that the way you're taking it. I agreed with him because getting along with your co-workers is part of job performance most places I've worked at.

Try Claritin and Zaditor. great over-the-counter allergy meds! If that doesn't work, go see a doctor. Allergies are not fun!

I've tried claritin, unfortunately my reactions are severe enough that it has no effect. good thing is once it rains and the pollen calmer down the worst of it will be over.

You didn't have to pee in front of him only a probation officer can do that and only in a criminal case.. If he fired you for that the wrongful termination suit would handle your expenses for a few years!