By Anonymous - 22/09/2013 21:40 - United States - Lusby

Today, my boss made me play golf with some executives of a company we're hoping to secure a business deal with, despite me having no golf training. My first swing ended up with me being rushed to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 291
You deserved it 4 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they will certainly remember you, and you might get some sort of deal out of pity :D

I hate to say it but better you than an executive.


it totally sucks for you... but how did you manage to injure yourself by swinging a pole towards a ball? If you can mess up that bad on such a simple task, i have no idea how you lived to be your age without setting water on fire and burning yourself alive... you kind of deserve this one

RedPillSucks 31

@39 You've never been hit by a golf ball. There's nothing safe about the eager folks following you on the course and who think you're moving too slow.

RedPillSucks 31

You did this without having any golf training? I've trained for years to be able to perfect my golf swing to the point where I have to go to the hospital. Life is so unfair how people are able to do with no effort what other train a lifetime for and can't achieve.

39. You have never been to that golf place on Lofoten Islands. Someof the starting points are on cliffs to which the golfer has to climb up. One wrong step and you are swimming in the Norwegian Sea.

If this had happened in Spain they would have said "hole in Juan"

Is this potential business client now "fore" doing business with your company?

alikafel 6

He wanted you to lose so you'd let them feel in a better, more buying mood