By Anonymous - 22/09/2013 21:40 - United States - Lusby

Today, my boss made me play golf with some executives of a company we're hoping to secure a business deal with, despite me having no golf training. My first swing ended up with me being rushed to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 291
You deserved it 4 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they will certainly remember you, and you might get some sort of deal out of pity :D

I hate to say it but better you than an executive.


I've seen a guy break his wrist swinging a club. He managed to hit the ground so hard it cracked the head of the radius.

That sucks bro. Word of advice: learn golf. When I started climbing the corporate ladder I took lessons. It was a good investment.

ingram450 3

bullshit how could you even possible hurt yourself good try on a story though

Everyone should know how to swing a club. You don't have to be good at it but you should have practiced a little. YDI