By Anonymous - 15/09/2010 07:29 - United States

Today, my boss reached over and yanked up my shirt right above my breasts while she said, "I'm all for flaunting it if you've got it, but don't reveal that much cleavage, there are dirty old men that work here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 777
You deserved it 41 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shortyshort21 0

she's just trying to help *old dirty men groan and walk away*


I'm pretty sure she meant that her boss grabbed the collar and raised it so it covered her overexposure rather than the bottom and exposed all I had to read it twice tho lol AWWWKWARRRD!!!!! :s I am on the fence as to whether this is an fml or a ydi? not enough context to say

dirtyoldman27560 0

I don't think her boss should've touched her. Other than that, YDI.

Mizzle95 0

if this boss was a man.... we would see this all over the news... where's the outrage now??

RedPillSucks 31

Not sure she would do well in a lawsuit. I actually saw a judge do the same thing.

j3nnif3r_09 0

her point was her boss kinda freaked her out there's nothing that says she cared if ppl look, you all are missing the point idiots.

shepaintsmusic 6

LOL my boyfriends mum did that to me when a button on my shirt came undone at their party I thought it was funny xD but then again I love my second mommy