By Anonymous - 15/09/2010 07:29 - United States

Today, my boss reached over and yanked up my shirt right above my breasts while she said, "I'm all for flaunting it if you've got it, but don't reveal that much cleavage, there are dirty old men that work here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 777
You deserved it 41 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shortyshort21 0

she's just trying to help *old dirty men groan and walk away*


Not really fml jst nice boss trying to help u out

hah lawsuit! get it on the news we wanna see!

ydi for wearing revealing shirts to work...

lmfaooo OP! I'm still undecided if it should b a FmL or a Ydi.... but either way I hve one questionn--- well two actually--- 1. are you boobs big and there is that lot of clevage ... 2. did she pull up your shirt from the bottom or jst where like the collar would be?..... jst wondrin thanxzzzz

jenwahh 1

well it's kinda your fault for showing that much cleavage in a work situation..

@16: Rape is about power and domination, not lust. Saudi arabia, where every woman wears a burqua, has one of the highest rates of rape. Most rapes are comitted by someone the victim knows. This is common knowlege, why do you feel your ignorance gives you an obligation to speak?

Hisbabyforever 0

she was helping, you have a problem with that?