By French - 04/05/2011 17:29 - Switzerland

Today, my boss told me I'm not working hard enough because I take French classes two mornings a week and therefore I won't be getting a promotion. If I want the promotion I have to stop taking my French classes. These are the same French classes I was told I originally needed for the promotion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 007
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

comepoopwithme 0

in soviet Russia bosses suck YOU!


MuffyStJacques 0

He must have a huge stick up his ass.

jennifer93 0

instead of posting about it on FML, why don't you talk to your boss about it?!

brettrb 18

because fml has an audience hah

aww haha did you tell him they told you to take French in the beginning? what an idiot

All you'd have to do is talk to him. There's probably a reason, and an easy solution!

that's a win win situation right there. you can keep learning French and get a promotion all thanks to muzzy.

perdix 29

Since you are taking time off two mornings a week, naturally you'll have to make that time up on evenings or weekends. Things suck when you are trying to climb the corporate ladder. ******** can be a nice shortcut ;)

I think there's a miscommunication here...