By French - 04/05/2011 17:29 - Switzerland

Today, my boss told me I'm not working hard enough because I take French classes two mornings a week and therefore I won't be getting a promotion. If I want the promotion I have to stop taking my French classes. These are the same French classes I was told I originally needed for the promotion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 003
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

comepoopwithme 0

in soviet Russia bosses suck YOU!


reddwarf_fml 0

keep the classes the promotion will cone back around

I am French, and the best way to learn French is to go the FML French version (french flag on the top of the page).. Where do you think I learn these new english words today : Suck, coconutt, retarded, stick up his ass, ********, 'wat an arse", dick... ? Right on this page... At least, if you do not get your promotion, you will sure have some new hipe French swearwords to say to him.

Another English expression I have learned here today: "you sound like a dick" (#93).... Don't know how I will use this one in real life, but I like it.

here is a fact of life for u French is useless

you should cuss him out and after say "pardon my French"

You're in Switzerland, you should learn French anyway. It's the official language, for God's sake...

well 1 out of 4 official languages actually...