By French - 04/05/2011 17:29 - Switzerland

Today, my boss told me I'm not working hard enough because I take French classes two mornings a week and therefore I won't be getting a promotion. If I want the promotion I have to stop taking my French classes. These are the same French classes I was told I originally needed for the promotion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 003
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

comepoopwithme 0

in soviet Russia bosses suck YOU!


JellicleCats1831 0

Wow, votre patron n'est pas intelligent! F votre vie!

you live in the vaud. you should be able to speak french anyways, n'est pas?

Get out of that French company!! Trust me - j'ai travaille pour une boite français pour quatre ans et c'est rien a voir avec toi ou ton niveau de français, c'est l'attitude français! dégage et trouve un nouveau poste tout de suite!!

I have a feeling that your French probably sucks, therefore your Boss might not believe you actually go to the class, but sleep late instead??

Ok this is an old thread, sorry, but if you want to learn French you can always listen to Joey Triviani... His French is pretty damn good ;) Or you can message me, I'm French :D

yourlifesucksHA 14

What the serious ****!..........