By pandroida - 25/10/2009 15:56 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend admitted to checking out other girls when he's with me. In his defense, "he doesn't look at their face or boobs. Just their ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 347
You deserved it 5 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silentknight 0

that's a lousy defense. but that doesn't make him the only boyfriend who looks; it just makes him the only one who admits it. give him extra points for honesty, and make it clear that he can look but don't touch.

perdix 29

Tell him that's OK, when you check out other guys, you're not looking at their cocks, just the balls. Fair's fair.


My husband and I both openly check people out and will often point them out to one another. The "look but don't touch" rule can be very healthy in a relationship

Just cuz youre on a diet doesnt mean you cant look at the menu

Yea, that's not ok. Lusting after other girl's body when you have a GF is NOT ok.....

I think everyone tends to check others out even if they are with someone. As long as you don't actually do anything it's fine.

Every guy ever looks at other women even when they are dating. It is completely natural. And women check out other men too. Like, why is it fair for women to say "Channing Tatum is so hot" but us guys can't say "Taylor Swift is hot"